
The stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications of a section in the Upper Senonian to Lower Eocene carbonates of the Tripolitza Platform in central Crete are discussed in this paper. The lower part (upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian) of the succession consists of about 75 m of thickly bedded, light to dark grey limestones, dolomitic limestones and dolomites that were deposited on an inner carbonate platform. It is characterized by stratified bioclastic rudist facies (shelly limestone) associated with foraminifera and especially with species of the Rhapydioninidae family. These are overlain by 35 m of crystalline light grey dolomites that were deposited on a very restricted internal platform, characterized by intertidal-supratidal facies. The overlying 75-m-thick light grey dolomitic limestones and dolomites are characterized by the presence ofRhapydionina liburnicaStache, and in the uppermost part byNeobalkhania bignotiCherchi, Radoicic & Schroeder, dating it as Late Maastrichtian. The facies, cryptalgal laminites with fenestrae of varying dimensions, suggest relatively extensive subaerial exposure. Possible pedogenic textures are common in this sequence and especially in the uppermost part, which coincides with the K/T boundary. The presence ofPseudonummoloculina heimi(Bonet) at two levels in the Maastrichtian succession suggests transportation of Middle-Late Cenomanian sediments from emergent blocks of the platform during this period. A gap is suspected, for regional stratigraphic reasons, between this horizon and the next which containsSpirolinasp. and “Pseudochrysalidina” sp., dating it as Early-Middle Eocene.

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