
An environmentally friendly measure to control potato powdery scab caused by a protozoan pathogen Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea (Sss) was developed by focusing on antagonistic microorganisms that were considered compatible with potato root. Five hundred and eight soil fungi, isolated from potato root cultivated in soil suspensions from four potato fields in Hokkaido, were screened for suppressiveness of root infection by Sss in a hydroponic culture system and for powdery scab severity in greenhouse and field experiments. Antagonistic isolate Im6-50, identified as Aspergillus versicolor, was selected as a potent biological control agent. In a 3-year field test, A. versicolor Im6-50 suppressed powdery scab with a protection value of 54–70 (100 = complete protection) when applied directly on seed tubers compared with a protection value of 77–93 by the synthetic fungicide fluazinam. A. versicolor Im6-50 was detected from the surface of daughter tubers and from the soil in which the inoculated seed tubers were cultivated by PCR using species-specific primers. The establishment of A. versicolor Im6-50 on the stolon of inoculated potato plants and in the rhizosphere is considered to contribute to the mechanism for disease suppression.

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