
Three human thymic cell-surface antigens T6, T9 and T10, previously defined by monoclonal antibodies, were analyzed using immunoprecipitation techniques. The antigen T6 was found to be a 49,000 dalton glycoprotein, which is associated with β2-microglobulin, the small subunit (12,000 daltons) of the HLA-A, -B, and -C antigens. The target antigen for the monoclonal reagent anti-T9 was found to be a glycoprotein of 94,000 daltons, which appears as a disulfide-linked dimer of 190,000 daltons on the cell surface. The antigen precipitated by the anti-T10 antibody is a 45,000 dalton glycoprotein. We present preliminary evidence that all three cell-surface proteins may be integral membrane proteins. These findings, in addition to the distribution patterns, suggest that the T6 antigen is the human homolog of the murine thymus leukemia (TL) antigen.

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