
Regional to global scale estimates of primary production must rely on remotely sensed quantities. Here, we characterize in situ light}primary production relationships and assess the predictive capability of several global primary production models using a 6-yr time series collected as part of the US JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS). The consistency and longevity of this data set provide an excellent opportunity to evaluate bio-optical modeling methodologies and their predictive capabilities for estimating rates of water-column-integrated primary production, PP, for use with satellite ocean-color observations. We nd that existing and regionally tuned parameterizations for vertically integrated chlorophyll content and euphotic zone depth do not explain much of the observed variability at this site. Fortunately, the use of these parameterizations for light availability and harvesting capacity has little in#uence upon modeled rates of PP. Site-specic and previously published global models of primary production both perform poorly and account for less than 40% of the variance in PP. A sensitivity analysis is performed to demonstrate the importance of light-saturated rates of primary production, PH , compared with other photophysiological parameters. This is because nearly one-half of PP occurs under light-saturated conditions. Unfortunately, we were unable to derive a simple parameterization for PH that signicantly improves prediction of PP. The failure of global PP models to encapsulate a major portion of the observed variance is due in part to the restricted range of PP observations for this site. A similar result is found comparing global chlorophyllre#ectance algorithms to the present observations. More importantly, we demonstrate that there exists a time-scale (roughly 200 d) above which the modeled distributions of PP are consistent with the observational data. By low-passltering the observed and modeled PP time series, the model's predictive skill levels

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