
Bio-efficacy assessment with four insecticides and two fungicides was carried out in Agricultural College farm, Naira during kharif, 2019 against leaf folder, stem borer, brown plant hopper (BPH) and sheath blight of rice. The treatments include four insecticides [Flonicamide 50 WG (0.4 g/l), Pymetrozine 50 WG (0.6 g/l), Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC (0.3 g/l), Acephate 75 SP (1.5 g/l)], two fungicides [(Difenoconazole 25 EC (0.5 ml/l), Azoxystrobin 23 EC (0.75 ml/l] and Untreated Control. Results indicated that treatment Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC (0.3 g/l) was effective against leaf folder (per cent leaf folder damage: 3.29) and stem borer (% DH: 1.17, % WE: 2.11) which was on par to both of its fungicide combinations viz., Azoxystrobin 23 EC (0.75 ml/l) (per cent leaf folder damage: 3.02, % DH: 1.29, % WE: 2.51) and Difenoconazole 25 EC (0.5 ml/l) (3.85, 1.76, 2.64). Against brown planthopper, treatment Pymetrozine 50 WG + Difenoconazole 25 EC (0.6 g/l + 0.5 ml/l) (reduction over control- 92.95%) was effective and pertinent to sheath blight, treatment chlorantraniliprole + azoxystrobin (PDI: 5.14) along with all the four test insecticide combinations of azoxystrobin proved their best.

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