
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contribute to the improvement of production and consumption systems, hence, assisting in the eradication of hunger and poverty. As a result, there is growing global interest in the direction of economic development to create a zero-waste economy or circular economy. Citrus fruits are a major fruit crop, with annual global production surpassing 100 million tons, while orange and tangerine production alone account for more than half of the overall production. During pre- and postharvest stages of citrus fruit production, it is estimated that more than 20% of fruit biomass is lost, due, primarily, to biotic stresses. This review emphasizes causes of fruit losses by pathogenic caused diseases and proposes a bio-circular perspective in the production of citrus fruits. Due to substantial changes in fruit characteristics and environmental conditions, some of the most economically significant pathogens infect fruits in the field during the growing season and remain dormant or inactive until they resume growth after harvest. Peel biomass is the most significant by-product in citrus fruit production. This biomass is enriched with the value-adding essential oils and polysaccharides. For the complete bio-circular economy, these active ingredients can be utilized as citrus postharvest coating materials based upon their functional properties. The overall outreach of the approach not only reduces the amount of agricultural by-products and develops new applications for the pomology industry, it also promotes bio-circular green economic, which is in line with the SDGs for the citrus fruit industry.

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