
With the use of microelectrode recording techniques, we investigated how the contrast signals from the two eyes are combined in individual cortical neurons in the striate cortex of anesthetized and paralyzed macaque monkeys. For a given neuron, the optimal spatial frequency, orientation, and direction of drift for sine wave grating stimuli were determined for each eye. The cell's disparity tuning characteristics were determined by measuring responses as a function of the relative interocular spatial phase of dichoptic stimuli that consisted of the optimal monocular gratings. Binocular contrast summation was then investigated by measuring contrast response functions for optimal dichoptic grating pairs that had left- to right-eye interocular contrast ratios that varied from 0.1 to 10. The goal was to determine the left- and right-eye contrast components required to produce a criterion threshold response. For all functional classes of cortical neurons and for both cooperative and antagonistic binocular interactions, there was a linear relationship between the left- and right-eye contrast components required to produce a threshold response. Thus, for example for cooperative binocular interactions, a reduction in contrast to one eye was counterbalanced by an equivalent increase in contrast to the other eye. These results showed that in simple cells and phase-specific complex cells, the contrast signals from the two eyes were linearly combined at the subunit level before nonlinear rectification. In non-phase-specific complex cells, the linear binocular convergence of contrast signals could have taken place either before or after the rectification process, but before spike generation. In addition, for simple cells, vector analysis of spatial summation showed that the inputs from the two eyes were also combined in a linear manner before nonlinear spike-generating mechanisms. Thus simple cells showed linear spatial summation not only within and between subregions in a given receptive field, but also between the left- and right-eye receptive fields. Overall, the results show that the effectiveness of a stimulus in producing a response reflects interocular differences in the relative balance of inputs to a given cell, however, the eye of origin of a light-evoked signal has no specific consequence.

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