
Abstract A late-season small-plot larvicide evaluation was conducted in a field of cotton planted 24 May on the Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, La. Plots consisted of 4 rows (40-inch spacing) by 65 ft assigned treatments in a factorial arrangement within a randomized block experimental design replicated 4 times. Insecticides were applied using a high-clearance sprayer equipped with a compressed-air delivery system for spraying small plots calibrated to dispense 2.5 gal total spray/acre with 2 X-3 hollow-cone nozzles/row. Insecticides were applied on 19 and 23 Aug under a relatively heavy infestation of Heliothis spp. Damage to fruiting forms exceeded 10%, with live larvae present and 40-50 eggs observed/ 100 plants. Pheromone trap catches of adults indicated the majority of the population in this field during the test was tobacco budworm. Treatment effects were estimated by randomly sampling 25 squares, 25 blooms, and 25 bolls on the 2 inside rows of each plot. There was no rainfall recorded during the study. The cotton plants had not yet began to senesce, but squares were generally limited to the upper branches and terminal areas.

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