
A 7-year-old white male patient was referred to the stomatology and surgery service. Anamnesis and intraoral clinical examination revealed delayed eruption of teeth 36 and 46, facial symmetry, and bilateral pain. Imaging showed a lesion measuring 19 × 25 mm on the right and left sides, respectively; the lesions were radiolucent, unilocular, well-delimited areas involving the teeth 36 and 46. The aspiration puncture revealed citrus-like liquid, followed by incisional biopsy and marsupialization of the lesions. Histopathology revealed a connective tissue lined by simple or stratified squamous epithelium. The diagnosis was dentigerous cyst. After 1 year of conservative therapy and follow-up care, remission of the lesion and eruption of the teeth were noted. Support: FAPEMIG.

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