
The Federal Republic, during the last years, became stronger in economic, political and military terms, but the country is still very directly affected by what happens in East-West relations, because of her exposed situation and her specific relationships with the GDR and other Eastern European countries. Under chancelor Schmidt, «Ostpolitik» remains a major goal, but the pragmatic development of this cooperation must not lead to a weakening of the ties with the West, especially with the European Community and NATO. The christian-democratic opposition parties were unable to define a clearcut position on the Ostpolitik, and their right wing still opposes it without being able to present a valid alternative. Lately, the debate has focused on the security policy, which aims at establishing military detente, too, in Europe, and not so much on defence matters. The Bonn coalition here has to make difficult choices, as far as the arms-control negotiations and their further course are concerned, and these decisions affect the internal debate as well as NATO-policies. The federal Republic wants to act collectively with her allies without creating a situation in which the pursuit of Ostpolitik would be jeopardized. The growing potential of the FRG has again led her neighbours to ask questions about the fondamental course of her foreign policy, wheras the Germans themselves consider that reunification is not a topical issue, but remains a long term goal.

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