
Nowadays, miniaturized microprocessors enable the design of most power saving instruments with the entire performance of state-of-the-art active devices in the size of a cell phone: a new generation of instruments equipped with nuclide separation within an HV-measurement chamber, internal circular buffer, temperature and humidity sensor will be introduced to the public for the very first time. Like a track detector, this instrument is easy to handle, and a single button operation starts a measurement, indicating that the device might be operated without any additional knowledge and training. Efficiency of the detection is some magnitudes higher than track etch detectors and enables the detection of 100 Bq/m 3 within 3 h. Hardware characteristics such as exchangeable AA-size batteries with a standby time of more than 1 year housed in robust case completes the bodywork of a most versatile device that is definitely more than mandatory personal protective equipment. Some “killing” arguments will be presented as well as impressive examples from different fields of application, indoor and outdoor and short and long-term measurements.

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