
This article argues the thesis that rigorous, strongly reasoned psychotherapeutic practice rests, not only (and not always) on outcome research, but on many further equally, and in some cases more, secure epistemic foundations. In part 1 of the article, based on currently well-established epistemological thinking, a ranking of the degree of certainty of propositions yielded by different knowledge sources, and thus the confidence with which we may believe and act upon them, is presented. Following the description of each knowledge source, an analysis of the degree to which it enters into the practice of psychotherapy is developed. In part 2, several further knowledge sources essential to psychotherapy that are difficult to rank are presented, as well as the confidence that can reasonably be placed in knowledge derived from these sources. In part 3, an individual therapy session conducted by Aaron Beck is analyzed to illustrate its utilization of many of the knowledge sources discussed in the article.

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