
This paper presents an experimental and theoretical study of betatron x-ray radiation from laser wakefield acceleration in the self-modulated regime. Our experiments use picosecond duration laser pulses up to 150 J, for plasmas with electronic densities on the order of 1019 cm−3. In the self-modulated regime, electrons accelerated in the wake of the laser pulse are subject to both the longitudinal plasma and transverse laser electrical fields. As a result, they undergo oscillations and radiate a synchrotron-like spectrum. In our experimental configuration, electrons accelerated up to about 300 MeV, as well as betatron x-ray spectra with energies of 10 s of keV and photon fluxes between 108–1010 photons/eV/Sr are reported. Our experiments open the prospect of using betatron x-ray radiation for applications, and the source could be competitive with current x-ray backlighting methods on multi-kilojoule laser systems used for high energy density or fusion sciences.

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