
Tricarbonyl(fulvene)chromium complexes react with anionic nucleophiles to give functionally substituted cyclopentadienyl derivatives. The nucleophilic attack occurs at the exocyclic carbon atom of the fulvene ligand. Addition of PPh 2 − to (η 6-6,6-dimethylfulvene)Cr(CO) 3 ( 1) yields the novel anion [(η 5-C 5H 4C(CH 3) 2PPh 2)Cr-(CO) 3] −, which can be isolated as a K +, (C 2H 5) 4N +, (C 6H 5) 4P +, or Tl + derivative ( 2–5). The potassium salt of the uncoordinated C 5H 4C(CH 3) 2PPh 2 − anion ( 7) is obtained by treatment of 6,6-dimethylfulvene with KPPh 2·2C 4H 8O 2. Similarly, NaC 5H 5 reacts with 1 to give Na[(η 5-C 5H 4C(CH 3) 2C 5H 5)Cr(CO) 3] ( 8). The reactions of (6-dimethylaminofulvene)Cr(CO) 3 ( 15) with nucleophiles are accompanied by elimination of dimethylamine. Addition of Ph 3PCH 2 to 15 gives an unstable product, but after reaction of 6-dimethylaminofulvene with Ph 3PCH 2, the free ligand C 5H 4CHCHPPh 3 ( 17) can be isolated in moderate yields. Deeply colored anions of the type [(η 5:η 5-C 5H 4C(R)C 5H 4)Cr 2(CO) 6] − (R = H, N(CH 3) 2) are synthesized by reaction of 15 or (6-dimethylamino-6-methylthiofulvene)Cr(CO) 3 with NaC 5H 5 and subsequent complexation of the mononuclear intermediate with (CH 3CN) 3Cr(CO) 3. In addition, the synthesis of the new fulvene complexes [C 5H 4CH(CHCH) 2N(CH 3)Ph]M(CO) 3 ( 23, 24; M = Cr, Mo) is described. The investigation is extended to α-ferrocenylcarbenium ions, which are isoelectronic with (fulvene)Cr(CO) 3 complexes. [(η 5-C 5H 5)Fe(C 5H 4CPh 2)] + BF 4 − ( 25) adds tertiary phosphines at the exocyclic carbon atom to give phosphonium salts of the type [(η 5-C 5H 5)Fe(C 5H 4CPh 2PR 3)] +BF 4 −. A CO-substititution product of a tricarbonyl (fulvene)chromium complex is obtained for the first time by irradiation of (η 6-6,6-diphenylfulvene)Cr(CO) 3 in the presence of PPh 3. In addition, an improved synthesis of the (CH 3CN) 3M(CO) 3 complexes (M = Cr, Mo, W) is reported.

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