
Physical disturbance and feeding by macrofauna in the sediment can potentially affect bloom initiation of phytoplankton species that have benthic stages in their life cycle. In this experimental study, we investigated how different species of macrozoobenthos can affect the recruitment of Nodularia spumigena from the sediment to the water column. N. spumigena is a toxic, nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacterium, which forms large summer blooms in the Baltic Sea. Benthic recruitment from resting stages (akinetes) and vegetative cells deposited on the seafloor have long been suspected to initiate the blooms. We found that, depending on species-specific traits, deposit-feeding macrofauna (an amphipod, Monoporeia affinis, a bivalve, Macoma balthica and an invasive polychaete, Marenzelleria cf. arctia) has the potential to either reduce or facilitate recruitment of this cyanobacterium. Shorter filament length in treatments with fauna than in the treatment without indicates feeding on or mechanical destruction of N. spumigena by the animals. Our results show the importance of an often overlooked aspect of phytoplankton bloom initiation, the role of macrozoobenthos.

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