
自1998年以来,杭州市政府先后实施了西湖疏浚、湖西综合保护、引配水改建等几项主要治理工程,西湖周边的环境质量得到了明显提高.对1998-2007年间杭州西湖主要湖区叶绿素a的含量进行了跟踪监测分析与研究,结果表明,西湖主要湖区年均叶绿素a含量比治理工程实施前明显下降,且下降幅度可达42.8%-87.3%,西湖综合保护工程的实施对改善西湖的水质起了主要的作用.;Water quality of West Lake has been greatly improved after implementation of lake restoration projects, such as sediment dredging, wetland reconstructing and water freshening supported by Hangzhou Municipal Government since 1998. Based on continuous data analysis of chlorophyll-a concentrations in West Lake from 1998 to 2007, the chlorophyll-a concentrations in main area of West Lake in 2007 decreased by a range from 42.8% to 87.3% compared with those in 1998. The results showed that the restoration projects played a major role in water quality improvement of West Lake.

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