
I was evaluated the effect of seven different combinations of temperature, air velocity, and relative air humidity on the frequency and duration of eating, drinking, resting, cannibalism, dust bathing, scratching, ground pecking, shivering, and stretching behaviors of turkeys at three different ages. The combinations tested of temperature, relative air humidity, and air velocity were, respectively: 1 (22 °C, 50%, 1 m/s); 2 (26.2 °C, 73.2%, 0.45 m/s); 3 (26.6 °C, 71.2%, 1 m/s); 4 (28.9 °C, 72%, 1.4 m/s); 5 (31.1 °C, 85%, 0.45 m/s); 6 (34.1 °C, 82.1%, 1 m/s); and 7 (34.4 °C, 82.1%, 1.4 m/s) for three ages of birds (61, 96, and 131 days of age). Seven birds were housed per pen, at a density of 3 males/m2, totaling 147 birds in the entire experiment. Each combination was applied for 5 days. The data were analyzed considering the number of times the bird performed the behavior and the time it performed (in seconds). Each pen was considered a repetition. A comparison of the medians was used to compare the treatments by each age. The results showed that young birds were more likely to suffer from the combination of low temperature and high air velocity, reducing their frequency of normal behaviors. Increased humidity at a low temperature raised the frequency of scratching, shivering, and cannibalism behaviors leading to poorer bird welfare. It is recommended that the temperature, relative air humidity, and air velocity combination of 26.6 °C; 71.2%; and 1 m/s, respectively, for young birds, and 22 °C; 50%; and 1 m/s, respectively, for older birds should be used.

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