
The development of the education sector should become increasingly strategic in an era of autonomy, because given regions have the ability, power, and freedom to decide on a policy within the education sector. The purpose of this research is to analyze the behavior of street level bureaucrats in education programs in the North Kalimantan province using a qualitative approach. The results of the study stated that the educational agency has carried out its role as a street-level bureaucrat in the implementation of education programs in North Kalimantan province. The first element, namely people, states that the people involved in street-level bureaucrats include the education unit and the Agency of Education for North Kalimantan province. The second element, namely structure, states that the coordination and control mechanism is carried out such that at the beginning of each year, a coordination meeting is always held to evaluate the current year’s program. The third element, technology, states that the technology used in the coordination process is via Zoom meetings, WhatsApp, email, and websites. The fourth element, namely the environment, states the work environment.
 Keywords: behavior, street level bureaucrat, educational programs

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