
Begging displays of nestlings in multichick broods can signal both hunger and competitive ability. Studies of begging in species with single-chick broods exclude the influence of nestling competition and may provide especially useful models for the study of signalling during parent–offspring conflict. However, there is no evidence that chicks signal hunger by begging in the absence of sibling competition. I tested predictions of signalling models in a species with single-chick broods, the Wilson's storm-petrel. Chicks used two types of begging calls, ‘rhythmic’ calls and ‘long’ calls. I found that chicks conveyed information about their current body condition by begging. When their body condition was low, chicks increased the number and frequency of long begging calls, as well as the frequency of rhythmic calling. Parents responded to increased begging by regurgitating larger meals. The study thus demonstrates that the begging system can work in the absence of nestling competition. Chicks also called in the absence of their parents, but in this context they used only rhythmic calls and there was no correlation with current body condition. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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