
When monumental work is being planned or special conditions are encountered, the architect or engineer, before selecting a bearing value, may order a load test. He may do so although beset with doubts as to its real value and its true interpretation because the usual test which records only the direct settlement of a unit load gives but little information. In this paper is presented a scale of soil compressibilities, studies of soil structure, findings as to the distribution of stress into soil, and interpretations of tests on fundamentally different types of soil. It separates the elastic from the inelastic settlefnent and examines the proportionate amounts of stress at different depths under the load. Tentative conclusions are submitted based on the results of the tests. The droppenetration test, devised by the writer for estimating the comparative bearing values of soils, is described. The tests are from actual practice and, after erection, the structures erected on several different types of soils were checked for settlement.

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