
Preservation of the femtosecond (fs) microbunches, created during laser acceleration, is a crucial step to enable staging of the laser acceleration process. This paper focuses on the optimization of the beam dynamics of fs microbunches transported through the staged electron laser acceleration (STELLA-II) experiment being carried out at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility. STELLA-II consists of an inverse free electron laser (IFEL) untapered undulator, which acts as an electron beam energy modulator; a magnetic chicane, which acts as a buncher; a second IFEL tapered undulator, which acts as an accelerator; and a dipole, which serves as an energy spectrometer. When the energy-modulated macrobunch traverses through the chicane and a short drift space, microbunches of order fs in duration (i.e., $\ensuremath{\sim}3\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{fs}$ FWHM) are formed. The 3-fs microbunches are accelerated by interacting with a high-power ${\mathrm{CO}}_{2}$ laser beam in the following tapered undulator. These extremely short microbunches may experience significant space charge and coherent synchrotron radiation effects when traversing the STELLA-II transport line. These effects are analyzed and the safe operating conditions are determined. With less than 0.5-pC microbunch charge, both microbunch debunching and emittance growth are negligible, and the energy-spread increase is less than 5%. These results are also useful for the laser electron acceleration project at SLAC and in possible future programs where the fs microbunches are employed for other purposes.


  • APPLICATION OF FS MICROBUNCHES IN ELECTRON LASER ACCELERATIONLaser particle acceleration concepts resemble radiofrequency (rf) linear accelerators in that a traveling wave is set up to move synchronously with the particles

  • Laser particle acceleration concepts resemble radiofrequency linear accelerators in that a traveling wave is set up to move synchronously with the particles

  • Our analysis of fs beam dynamics is based upon the staged electron laser acceleration (STELLA-II) experiment [1,3,4] being carried out at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Accelerator Test Facility (ATF)

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Laser particle acceleration concepts resemble radiofrequency (rf) linear accelerators in that a traveling wave is set up to move synchronously with the particles. The microbunch charge is 0:5 pC corresponding to 0.1 nC of macrobunch charge (note that 50% of the particles are not trapped in the microbunches) These microbunches enter the tapered IFEL2 undulator and obtain a significant energy gain by interacting with a high-power ( > 10 GW) CO2 laser beam. The fs microbunches may experience significant space charge and coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) effects while traversing the various bends within the STELLA-II transport line caused by magnetic elements such as the chicane and dipole. A safe beam condition is presented that avoids these detrimental effects These results are useful for other laser acceleration experiments, e.g., the laser electron acceleration project being carried out at SLAC [2] and possible future experiments in which the fs microbunches are used for other purposes

CSR effects at the chicane and dipole spectrometer
CSR effect within IFEL2
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