
AbstractThe Bat algorithm, a metaheuristic optimization technique inspired by the foraging behaviour of bats, has been employed to tackle optimization problems. Known for its ease of implementation, parameter tunability, and strong global search capabilities, this algorithm finds application across diverse optimization problem domains. However, in the face of increasingly complex optimization challenges, the Bat algorithm encounters certain limitations, such as slow convergence and sensitivity to initial solutions. In order to tackle these challenges, the present study incorporates a range of optimization components into the Bat algorithm, thereby proposing a variant called PKEBA. A projection screening strategy is implemented to mitigate its sensitivity to initial solutions, thereby enhancing the quality of the initial solution set. A kinetic adaptation strategy reforms exploration patterns, while an elite communication strategy enhances group interaction, to avoid algorithm from local optima. Subsequently, the effectiveness of the proposed PKEBA is rigorously evaluated. Testing encompasses 30 benchmark functions from IEEE CEC2014, featuring ablation experiments and comparative assessments against classical algorithms and their variants. Moreover, real‐world engineering problems are employed as further validation. The results conclusively demonstrate that PKEBA exhibits superior convergence and precision compared to existing algorithms.

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