
ThefirstbaroclinicRossbyradiusofdeformation(R1)isafundamentalhorizontal scale of mesoscaleprocesses. This scale is important for planning both numerical modellingandstudyareas. R1 was computed on the basis of an 11-year series of high resolution CTD measurements collected during r/v ‘Oceania’ cruises. The data set covered the three main basins of the Baltic Proper: the Bornholm Basin (BB), the Slupsk Furrow (SF) and the Gdansk Basin (GB). The smallest mean value of R1 was foundintheGdanskBasin(5.2km),thelargestoneintheBornholmDeep(7.3km). TheseasonalvariabilityofR1islowerinthewesternbasinthanintheeastern one. The seasonal cycle of R1 may be broken by extreme events, e.g. main Baltic inflows (MBI) of saline water. The inflowing water rebuilds the vertical stratification in the southern Baltic Sea and dramatically changes the R1values. ThedifferenceofR1betweenastagnationperiodandaninflowsituationisshown * ThisworkwassupportedbythePolishStateCommitteeofScientificResearchunder grantNo. N N305 111636. Thecomplete textof thepaperis available athttp://www.iopan.gda.pl/oceanologia/

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