
The Baikal center of phytodiversity is a consequence of complicate orographic dislocations that caused conjugated changes in the climate and geochemical processes in the lithosphere. The climatic changes led to adaptive florogenesis. Three phenomena of this kind have been recorded in the Baikal region. The most ancient (Early Tertiary) endemism is connected with the formation of forms of mountainous xerophytic elements of the Selenga Nountains (Vicia tscydenii Malyschev, Festuca dahurica (St.-Yves) V. Krecz. et Bobrov, Astragalus chorinensis Bunge). The latest endemics are found in the mountains of Northeastern Baikal region, their subspecies rank points to their young age and is more clearly exhibited in boreal genera Carex (C. pediformis ssp. kirilovii Turcz.), Festuca (F. ovina ssp. vylazaniae E. Alexeev, F. rubra ssp. baikalensis (Griseb.) Tzvelev), Draba (D. hirta ssp. bargusinensis Nikiforova), etc. An intermediate position in the temporal and florogenetic aspect is expressed in the endemism of the Sayan-Hangayn Range where speciation manifested itself both in the generic series of boreal genesis (Carex tatjanae Malyschev, Stellaria bungeana Fenzl s. str.), and in the ancient Mediterranean ones (Allium malyschevii N. Friesen, Oxytropis kuznetzovii Kryl. et Steinb., Artemisia pycnorhyza Ledeb.).

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