
This work describes fluorescence yield measurements in suspensions of strains of Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides in which the iron · quinone complex (X) was chemically reduced (state [ PIX −]; P is the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll dimer, I is the long wavelength bacteriopheophytin), and compares these with the fluorescence observed when all the traps are open (state [ PIX]) and with the fluorescence observed when all the traps are closed (state [ P +IX]). At 77 K the amplitude and the shape of the fluorescence emission spectrum in [ PIX −] are identical to those observed in [ PIX]. This is a strong indication that all the extra fluorescence observed at room temperature in [ PIX −] is, in fact, caused by an efficient back reaction [P + I − X −] → [P∗ IX −] . Using an equation similar to the original Vredenberg-Duysens relationship (Vredenburg, W.J. and Duysens, L.N.M. (1963) Nature 197, 355–357) but now assuming that a single reaction center has a probability p t of trapping an excitation and (1 − p t) of re-emitting it to the surroundings, we are able to calculate p t as a function of the temperature by measuring the fluorescence in [ PIX], [ PIX −] and [ P +IX] as a function of the temperature. The calculated p t values agree reasonably well with triplet yields measured in isolated reaction centers. Finally, we have measured the reaction center triplet yield ( P TR) in intact systems and we have shown that the sum of the triplet yield and the remaining loss processes ( P L) in the antenna bacteriochlorophyll including the bacteriochlorophyll dimer (such as fluorescence, internal conversion or direct triplet formation) is approximately constant; if we assume that at 77 K the only process which occurs in the reaction center is the formation of a reaction center triplet, than P TR + P L = 1. The energy barrier between [ P∗ IX − ] and [ P +I −X −] was estimated to be 0.11–0.15 eV for a set of preparations.

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