
The formation and development of high-tech cluster formations in the defense industry of Russia, the creation of promising elements of the innovation infrastructure in general, demonstrates the correctness of the perception of the need for mutual penetration of civilian and military technologies and the results of research and development work in order to modernize and diversify as a defense industry industry and national economy as a whole. The strategy for the creation and transfer of dual-use technologies is being implemented through the implementation of a number of federal target programs, such as: “Research and development in priority areas of science and technology”, “Development of civil aviation technology”, “National technological base”, “Reform and development of the defense industry complex”. It should be noted that the implementation of these measures became possible due to the use of the cluster approach and the cluster policy in the field of the defense-industrial complex, which made it possible to develop and launch an integrated strategy of innovative technological modernization of the industry while increasing the effectiveness of the intellectual potential of the defense industry. As part of a scientific article, the prospects for the development of high-tech clusters in the context of the implementation of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation program are analyzed. The author concluded that in the conditions of digitalization of the national economy, high-tech clusters in the defense industry are points of growth.

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