
The scope of observational astronomy in the gamma-ray region of the spectrum is vast. The intimate relationship of these energetic photons with their parent particles and fields provides a direct probe of the high-energy physics phenomena which take place throughout the Universe. As an added bonus the gamma-ray domain contains a wealth of diagnostic information within discrete emission lines, which are derived from a variety of processes including nuclear de-excitation, cyclotron emission, and matter-antimatter annihilation. Consequently observational gamma-ray astronomy addresses directly some of the most fundamental problems in both physics and astrophysics. However, low-energy gamma-rays are the most penetrating photons encountered in nature, and, whilst this factor provides a deep probe of cosmic objects, it ensures that gamma-ray telescopes are massive, both in terms of the stopping power required in the detector systems as well as their shields. Furthermore, the intimate relationship of gamma-rays with nuclear de-excitations ensures that the telescope itself becomes a bright source of background noise, a factor which is aggravated by the necessity that gamma-ray telescopes are obliged to operate in regions pervaded by intense particle fluxes. The background noise experienced in gamma-ray telescopes is, therefore, both high and extremely complex in its origin, and due to the high-energy content of individual photons, their numbers which arrive from distant cosmic sources are necessarily low, even for those objects which radiate the bulk of their power at gamma-ray wavelengths. Current gamma-ray telescopes are thus obliged to operate under conditions of intrinsically low signal-to-noise ratio and it is vital that techniques are developed which reduce the background noise level to more acceptable levels, thus improving the sensitivity. To achieve such a goal, a thorough understanding of the sources of background noise is first required before effective measures can be taken for its reduction. In this paper the sources of background noise are reviewed with the aim to obtain a quantitative analysis of individual contributions, as derived from the various classes of irradiative particle fluxes. The estimated contributions from the individual sources are combined in order to evaluate the total background level of a given telescope in a specific radiation environment, which for practical considerations generally relates to the orbit choice and detailed design of the telescope. The published background noise spectra of a number of past missions are compared to the computed values so as to provide an assessment of the validity of the overall calculations. The level of agreement achieved indicates that a good understanding of the sources of background noise exists. Finally some possibilities for the improvement of the sensitivity of future gammaray telescopes, in terms of the reduction of the background noise, are discussed.

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