
<p>目的:探討24週八段錦訓練對中高齡女性的身體組成、骨質密度與步態穩定性的影響。方法:44名中高齡女性 (年齡,70.1 ± 7.9歲;身高,153.2 ± 5.9公分;體重,58.5 ± 8.6公斤) 分組至:(一)運動訓練組 (TG)、(二) 無運動訓練組 (CG)。TG組受試者從事連續24週、每週3次、每次60分鐘的八段錦訓練;CG組在實驗期間維持日常作息,無規律運動。結果:24週訓練後,TG組的肌肉重、骨質密度與步行速度皆顯著高於 (p < .05) CG組。此外,TG組的脂肪重與左右腳步幅差異皆顯著低於 (p < .05) CG組。結論:長期八段錦訓練可改善中高齡女性的身體組成、骨質密度與步態穩定性,對肥胖、肌少症與骨質疏鬆症的預防,具有正面的幫助。</p> <p> </p><p>Purpose: We investigated the effects of 24 weeks of Ba Duan Jin training on the body composition, bone mineral density (BMD), and gait stability of middle-aged and older women. Methods: Forty-four middle-aged and older women (average age: 70.1 ± 7.9 years [range: 50–89 years]; average height: 153.2 ± 5.9 cm; average weight: 58.5 ± 8.6 kg) were assigned to either exercise training group (TG) or sedentary control group (CG). The TG performed Ba Duan Jin training for 60 minutes per day (3 days a week for 24 weeks), whereas the CG continued to live a sedentary lifestyle. Results: After 24 weeks of training, the TG exhibited significantly (p < .05) greater increases in muscle mass, BMD, and walking speed compared to the CG. In addition, after training, the TG had lower (p < .05) fat mass and left–right asymmetry compared to the CG. Conclusion: Ba Duan Jin training can be a feasible method for improving body composition, BMD, and gait stability in middle-aged and older women. This training method may also reduce the risk of obesity, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis in this population.</p> <p> </p>

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