
The possibility of demonstrating acquisition of classically conditioned responses without awareness of the conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus (CS-UCS) contingency using olfactory stimuli with 58 college student subjects was tested. A classical discrimination delay conditioning paradigm was employed, with electric shock as the UCS and two pleasant odors (perfumes) as the conditioned stimuli (CS+ and CS−). Trial-by-trial measures of skin conductance conditioned responses served as dependent variables. A masking task in the form of an olfactory memory task was employed for the purpose of delaying the onset of awareness of the conditioning contingency. Awareness of the conditioning contingency was assessed by a concurrent and a post hoc measure, and subjects who satisfied both criteria were considered aware of the CS-UCS contingency. Conditioning was observed only in the aware subjects, and only after the onset of awareness of the CS + −UCS contingency. Respiratory activity, measured as a check against possible artifacts, had no effect on the SCR measures. It was concluded that the awareness of the CS-UCS contingency is necessary for acquisition of discriminative conditioned responses in humans, regardless of the sensory modality in which CSs are presented. Sex differences in skin conductance measures and performance on the olfactory memory task were observed.

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