
Background Epistaxis (nosebleed) is a frequent emergency presentation in the emergency department (ED). Generally, any harm to the nasal mucosa lining can lead the nose to bleed. The etiologies of epistaxis are widely classified as environmental, local, systemic, and medication-related causes. The initial management for epistaxis is first aid. First aid by applying pressure on the nostrils is essential to stop the bleeding and minimize discomfort. This study intends to evaluate teachers' awareness regarding epistaxis first aid management inside schools in Al-Baha region, Saudi Arabia. Methodology A cross-sectional study was conducted among a target of 439 teachers regarding epistaxis first aid management inside schools in Al-Baha region, Saudi Arabia. Data were collected using astructured questionnaireand analyzed usingdescriptive statisticsand a chi-square test. Results Of the teachers,50.7%had received training regarding epistaxis, while 49.3% had never been trained. Also, 73.3% considered that applying nasal compression may help stop bleeding, while the rest were completely unaware. On further investigation, tilting the head forward would be done by 56.27% of the teachers, while 40.73% said that the head should be tilted back. Of the teachers, 53.3% would go to the emergency if bleeding continued for more than 10 minutes. No association between age, gender, and working area, and training received regarding the management of epistaxis was found (p>0.05), but teachers from a scientific background, as compared to those from a literature background, were able to answer better regarding the management of epistaxis (p<0.05). Conclusion The study highlights knowledge gaps regarding epistaxis first aid management inside schools in Al-Baha region, Saudi Arabia. The research highlights the need for focused training programs and awareness efforts to enhance teachers' knowledge and first aid practices. Addressing misknowledge and mispractices, enhancing the practices and attitudes of healthcare providers toward appropriate feeding practices, and promoting a supportive and safe environment could all contribute to the improvement of quality of life and health among the population of Saudi Arabia.

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