
Background: Tobacco consumption is a major health problem worldwide. India the second largest consumer of tobacco products and the third largest producer of tobacco in the world that places India in the second rank after China in tobacco-related mortalities. Commonly, the habit of tobacco consumption begins at adolescence, carry forwarded into adult life. Hence, if awareness has been created in adolescence then will help to eradicate tobacco consumption habit from India. Hence, a comparative study to determine the awareness regarding hazardous effect of tobacco consumption habit among rural and urban children has been planned. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among schoolgoing children from rural and urban areas. The study was conducted in schools present in the districts of central India on students from classes 3rd–10th standard (age 8–16 years). Total numbers of students enrolled were about 806, of which about 380 students were from rural schools and 426 students were from urban schools. A pretested, close-ended, self-administered questionnaire that was derived from the GYTS-based questionnaire has been distributed after consent, and then analysis was done. Results: The prevalence of tobacco use in urban and rural areas has been calculated which came more in rural areas with 5.5%, age of commencement of habit at rural areas was from 10 years of age while in urban it was in teen ages, i.e., from 12 years. Furthermore, the smokeless form of tobacco was preferred in rural areas while in urban it was smoke form of tobacco. In rural area parents, 3.9% knowing about habit of their children and themselves were also habitual while urban areas parents were unaware of habit. Conclusion: There is more prevalence of tobacco consumption in rural schoolgoing children than urban schoolgoing children. Urban and rural area children were aware of hazardous effect of tobacco but still consumption is more in children from rural area. Hence, the focus of tobacco cessation program should be in rural area as well as in urban areas. However, the programs should be specifically designed for the area where it should be implementing keeping the difference between socioeconomic status in mind to eradicate tobacco consuming habit from India.

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