
The purpose of this research is to study the avoidable damage from forest fires in the most affected European Union (EU) Member States (MS) using a quantitative model based on a non-parametric efficient frontier technique, namely data envelopment analysis (DEA). The procedure allows the comparison of forest fire damage in EU countries by computing relative efficiency scores and quantifying improvement targets. The proposed DEA model evaluates a slacks-based measure of efficiency and considers two non-discretionary variables (the forest area of the countries and fire weather index). Data from the most affected EU countries over the period 2005–2010 have been used. An input-oriented model has been considered in order to take into account the number of fire events and total burned area as the fire management targets. The study finds evidence that there is a considerable excess of forest area affected by fire in most of the EU countries. The empirical results also suggest that the mean relative damage efficiency in Southern European MS and Other MS is not significantly different. From the efficiency scores, different clusters, with clear characteristic features, emerge. The next step is to extend the best practices of the efficient EU countries.

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