
The geomagnetic field (GMF) is a worldwide source of compass cues used by animals and humans alike. The inclination of GMF flux lines also provides information on geomagnetic latitude. A long-disputed question, however, is whether horizontal gradients in GMF intensity, in combination with changes in inclination, provide bicoordinate "map" information. Multiple sources contribute to the total GMF, the largest of which is the core field. The ubiquitous crustal field is much less intense, but in both land and marine settings is strong enough at low altitudes (< 700m; sea level) to mask the core field's weak N-S intensity gradient (~ 3-5 nT/km) over 10s to 100s of km. Non-orthogonal geomagnetic gradients, the lack of consistent E-W gradients, and the local masking of core-field intensity gradients by the crustal field, therefore, are grounds for rejection of the bicoordinate geomagnetic "map" hypothesis. In addition, the alternative infrasound direction-finding hypothesis is briefly reviewed. The GMF's diurnal variation has long been suggested as a possible Zeitgeber (timekeeper) for circadian rhythms and could explain the GMF's non-compass role in the avian navigational system. Requirements for detection of this weaker diurnal signal (~ 20-50 nT) might explain the magnetic alignment of resting and grazing animals.

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