
Phenolic compounds are frequently detoxified by the formation of sulphate and glucuronic acid conjugates in the liver. These conjugates are formed in the hepatocytes and then either transported into the bile or back into the blood. In this study, we examined the transport kinetics of phenol and its metabolites in the isolated perfused rat liver by monitoring the outflow profiles of these compounds after a bolus input in a single pass preparation. Phenol was almost exclusively metabolized to phenyl sulphate (97%) at the trace concentrations used, with the amount of phenol and metabolites excreted into the bile being minimal (3.5%). The metabolite formed was rapidly transported back into the perfusate, with mean transit times of 17.4 and 12.3 s anterograde and 24.9 and 24.2 s retrograde at flow rates of 15 and 30 mL min-1 respectively, which were intermediate between those of Evans blue and water. The outflow concentration-time profile for phenyl sulphate formation was unaffected by the addition of another organic anion (bromosulphophthalein). The effect of enzyme zonation on outflow concentration-time profiles was also investigated using retrograde perfusions. The transit time ratios for generated metabolite to water for anterograde perfusions (0.6) was found to be more than twice that for retrograde perfusions (0.23) at 15 mL min-1 and approximately 1.6 times greater at 30 mL min-1, being 0.58 and 0.37 respectively. The relative ratios obtained are consistent with previous findings that normalized variance of solutes in the retrograde perfusions is greater than that for anterograde perfusions.

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