
The influence of IAA (1.0 mg dm −3), and IBA (1.16 mg dm −3), on the development of highbush blueberry ( Vaccinium × covilleanum But. et Pl.) ‘Herbert’ in vitro shoot cultures was examined. Depending on the kind of auxin and 2iP concentration in vitro cultures consisted of various number of axillary (AX) and adventitious (AD) shoots. Three different categories of AD shoots were found: leaf shoots (AD-L), node-adjoin shoots (AD-P), and base-adjoin shoots (AD-M, madshoots). The AX shoots were the least habituated (towards auxins, cytokinins and vitamins) whereas the AD-M shoots (madshoots) the most. In comparison to IAA, IBA caused dying or callusing higher number of initial explants. However, IBA generally suppressed development of AD shoots, especially madshoots whereas slightly weakened multiplication of AX shoots. IBA significantly enhanced elongation of AX shoots also. Axillary shoots obtained on IBA-media had relative long internodes and rigid, well-developed leaves. The adventitious shoots, especially base-adjoin (AD-M) ones, were easily distinguishable as were more thin and fragile, more or less vitrified, and had short internodes and smaller, sometimes unfolded leaves. Development of blueberry in vitro cultures on auxin-free and IAA-supplemented media was similar. AX shoots grown on such media resembled AD shoots. 2iP applied in higher doses along with IAA promoted much proliferation of AD than AX shoots. In contrast, 2iP applied in higher doses together with IBA stimulated significantly only growth of AX shoots whereas in general, development of adventitious shoots was not affected. Micropropagation carried out through routine method based on subculturing of shoot explants or shoot clumps on the medium supplemented with IAA (4 mg dm −3) and 2iP (10–15 mg dm −3) as well as stimulation of shoot elongation on the blank medium causes in fact the propagation of highbush blueberry through highly habituated adventitious madshoots. Replacement of IAA by IBA facilitates micropropagation of highbush blueberry cv. Herbert through axillary shoots.

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