
The article is devoted to an automatic data preparation method for setting up a distribution network model, which is used to develop training tasks for distribution network personnel. The main goal in creating the method is to reduce the time for developing a simulator task by leveling the human error during the stage of filling in the structural data of the distribution network components. To interact with the automatic method and the already pre-created component library that was used in the previous method, it was necessary to change the internal structure of the double winding and three winding transformer components. Also, a new structural component was added to the library – Connection. The program algorithm of the automatic method consists of three cycles that go through all the components transferred from the library to the distribution network model. For a better understanding and perception of textual information about each cycle, a graphical representation of cycle process diagrams is presented. In conclusion, information is provided on the time spent when creating a task with manual data preparation and the developed automatic one, as well as suggestions to reduce computer resourced used during model run.

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