
Digital certificates are a core component in the provision of secure data communication. We propose the concept of digital certificate that can be used to provide client verification. Cryptographic methods are used to explore these aspects of data security and there are many drawbacks in current encryption algorithms in respect of security, real-time performance and so on. Among them, the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and Rivest, Shamir, Adelman (RSA) is evolving as important cryptographic methods since it offers high security. In our proposed system, Optical Character Recognition is used to convert the scanned image to extract the parameters in it and the parameters are encrypted and decrypted using RSA and ECC. So, encrypted digital certificate is created for each individual and stored in a private database for inspection purpose. The public or private sector organization verifies the digital certificate by sending a request to authorization server and the response is generated by referring the parameters of encrypted digital certificate with the parameters extracted from the local database. The main purpose of the digital certificate is to avert duplicates and forgeries.

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