
We propose a learning-based approach for automatic detection of fabric defects. Our approach is based on a statistical representation of fabric patterns using the redundant contourlet transform (RCT). The distribution of the RCT coefficients are modeled using a finite mixture of generalized Gaussians (MoGG), which constitute statistical signatures distinguishing between defective and defect-free fabrics. In addition to being compact and fast to compute, these signatures enable accurate localization of defects. Our defect detection system is based on three main steps. In the first step, a preprocessing is applied for detecting basic pattern size for image decomposition and signature calculation. In the second step, labeled fabric samples are used to train a Bayes classifier (BC) to discriminate between defect-free and defective fabrics. Finally, defects are detected during image inspection by testing local patches using the learned BC. Our approach can deal with multiple types of textile fabrics, from simple to more complex ones. Experiments on the TILDA database have demonstrated that our method yields better results compared with recent state-of-the-art methods. Note to Practitioners —Fabric defect detection is central to automated visual inspection and quality control in textile manufacturing. This paper deals with this problem through a learning-based approach. By opposite to several existing approaches for fabric defect detection, which are effective in only some types of fabrics and/or defects, our method can deal with almost all types of patterned fabric and defects. To enable both detection and localization of defects, a fabric image is first divided into local blocks, which are representative of the repetitive pattern structure of the fabric. Then, statistical signatures are calculated by modeling the distribution of coefficients of an RCT using the finite MoGG. The discrimination between defect-free and defective fabrics is then achieved through supervised classification of RCT-MoGG signatures based on expert-labeled examples of defective fabric images. Experiments have shown that our method yields very good performance in terms of defect detection and localization. In addition to its accuracy, inspection of images can be performed in a fully automatic fashion, whereas only labeled examples are initially required. Finally, our method can be easily adapted to a real-time scenario since defect detection on inspected images is performed at the block level, which can be easily parallelized through hardware implementation.

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