
This paper presents a segmentation of LIDAR point cloud data for automatic extraction of building footprint. Using the ground height information from a DEM (Digital Elevation Model), the non-ground points (mainly buildings and trees) are separated from the ground points. Points on walls are removed from the set of non-ground points. The remaining non-ground points are then divided into clusters based on height and local neighbourhood. Planar roof segments are extracted from each cluster of points following a region-growing technique. Planes are initialised using coplanar points as seed points and then grown using plane compatibility tests. Once all the planar segments are extracted, a rule-based procedure is applied to remove tree planes which are small in size and randomly oriented. The neighbouring planes are then merged to obtain individual building boundaries, which are regularised based on a new feature-based technique. Corners and line-segments are extracted from each boundary and adjusted using the assumption that each short building side is parallel or perpendicular to one or more neighbouring long building sides. Experimental results on five Australian data sets show that the proposed method offers higher correctness rate in building footprint extraction than a state-of-the-art method.

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