
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of metaphase chromosome spreads is valuable for monitoring the radiation dose to circulating lymphocytes. At low dose levels, the number of cells that must be examined to estimate aberration frequencies is quite large. An automated microscope that can perform this analysis autonomously on suitably prepared specimens promises to make practical the large-scale studies that will be required for biodosimetry in the future. This paper describes such an instrument that is currently under development. We use metaphase specimens in which the five largest chromosomes have been hybridized with different-colored whole-chromosome painting probes. An automated multiband fluorescence microscope locates the spreads and counts the number of chromosome components of each color. Digital image analysis is used to locate and isolate the cells, count chromosome components, and estimate the proportions of abnormal cells. Cells exhibiting more than two chromosomal fragments in any color correspond to a clastogenic event. These automatically derived counts are corrected for statistical bias and used to estimate the overall rate of chromosome breakage. Overlap of fluorophore emission spectra prohibits isolation of the different chromosomes into separate color channels. Image processing effectively isolates each fluorophore to a single monochrome image, simplifying the task of counting chromosome fragments and reducing the error in the algorithm. Using proportion estimation, we remove the bias introduced by counting errors, leaving accuracy restricted by sample size considerations alone.

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