
In this work, authigenic microbial mineral formation in groundwater near the uranium sludge storage at SC Chepetsky Mechanical Plant (ChMP) (Glazov, Russia) was analysed in field and laboratory experiments using thermodynamic modelling when the microbial community was activated by a mixture of acetate, glucose and whey. It was found that the mineral basis of the barrier consisted of aggregated soil particles with freshly deposited phases of carbonate and sulphide minerals of different degrees of crystallinity. An important factor in the formation of calcium phases is microbial denitrification, which is accompanied by an increase in pH values of the medium. The main factors of uranium immobilisation in the biogeochemical barrier were revealed, including its reduction to insoluble forms of uranium dioxide, adsorption on ferrous and sulphide-ferrous minerals, as well as the formation of phosphate phases through the addition of phosphorus-containing whey and co-precipitation or co-crystallisation in calcite phases.

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