
US across the Atlantic. Australia's inherent strategic vulnerabilities in region perceived as an arc of instability and its predominantly European society's traditional fear of being swamped by Asians in region that is home to populous and powerful nations underlie Australia's historic quest for alignment with a great and powerful friend, first Britain, and then the US. To the US, Australia's importance as the closest ally in the Pacific is evident from Canberra's unquestioning support of Washington not only throughout the Cold War but also all its post-Cold War strategic moves, from the Iraq wars to the missile defense initiative, and the global war on terrorism (GWOT). The US-Australia partnership reached new heights in 2004-05 following the successful conclusion of major economic and military deals that that made Australia the only treaty ally in the Asia-Pacific to have free trade agreement (FTA) with the US that reinforces 55-year old mutual defense pact. However, this period of such close cooperation has also revived debate within Australia about the costs and benefits of the US alliance. While the

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