
A study of Ne K Auger spectra induced by 5.5 MeV amu Ne 3+ Ne 10+ Ar 6+ and Ar 17+ heavy ions on Ne is presented. Some average quantities (the centroid energy of KLL Auger spectra, the average number of L vacancies produced simultaneously with the K vacancy, the effective charge of the projectile in the actual process, the satellite to total intensity ratio) characterising the KL n ionization process have been extracted from these spectra. Relative K-shell ionization cross sections and KLM to KLL cross section ratios have been evaluated. The deduced experimental Z eff values have been compared with the results of PWBA and BEA calculations. A simple model calculation is made in an attempt to interpret the variation of the probability for the ejection of an L-shell electron ( p L ) as a function of Z eff v p . Some statements regarding individual lines and groups in the Auger spectra are made.

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