
We used the following method to measure auditory streaming in CI listeners: a ‘‘test’’ pattern is composed of two loudness-matched tones A and B presented in the sequence AABAABAAB...<th>. If A and B are perceptually separable, the subject should hear ‘‘AA...AA...AA...’’ and ‘‘B...B...B...’’ as the two separate streams. The subject hears a ‘‘preview’’ sequence of tones which can have the rhythm of either tone B or tone A in the pattern (e.g., X...X...X...X or XX...XX...XX...), where X is the preview tone. The subject indicates whether or not she/he heard the rhythm of the preview sequence in the test sequence. A number of sets of A, B, and X are set up, and the subject is presented with the different patterns in random order. Results suggest CI listeners are able to perceptually separate tonal sequences into auditory streams. The tonotopic distance (electrode pair separation) between tones is an important factor for streaming. However, listeners are also able to stream sequences of tones presented to the same electrode pair (tonotopic location) but with different temporal envelopes. [Work supported by NIDCD.]

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