
Abstract: Trifluridine, also known as trifluorothymidine,isatopicalantiviralmedicationcommonlyusedtocombatherpesvirusescausingoph-thalmicinfections.Topicaland/ororalacycloviristypicallyusedformuco-cutaneous herpes infections. However, in this article, we present 2 casesof cutaneous herpes infections in immunocompromised patients respon-sive to topical trifluridine and oral famciclovir.Key Words: trifluridine, cutaneous herpes infections,immunocompromised, acyclovir resistance(Infect Dis Clin Pract 2015;23: 123 –125) I mmunocompromised patients are susceptible to infection bymany viral pathogens, the most problematic being herpes sim-plex virus (HSV) and varicella zoster virus (VZV). 1 Both virusesare known to cause cutaneous manifestations in immunocompro-mised and immunocompetent hosts. 2 However, immunocompro-mised patients experience greater morbidity if the infection isleft untreated or is undertreated. 3 Typically, topical and/or oralpreparations of acyclovir are used to combat these infections

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