
Globalization in literal sense is a process of transformation of regional or local phenomena into a global one. Impact of globalization is universal which can be observed in all the aspects of life viz. economic, social, cultural, political, finance, health, nutrition and technological dimensions of the world. In present era of scientific innovations, the process of globalization has brought the people in contact of outside society. Globalization process is also called modernization which include development of science and technology and, communication by which all the places are interconnected and people become more migratory. History demonstrates that significant changes in a people's social and economic climate usually bring about new developments in ideology and in religious practices. Tribal, mostly live in forest, hills and other naturally isolated regions and their lifestyles are conditioned by ecological setting they live. It is being widely seen today that the traditional features of tribal life is gradually changing from being deeply ingrained in tribal beliefs, customs and traditions to something that is more modernized, in a developmental sense, due to adaptation of modern ways of living and altered life-style pattern. In general, only those tribes those remain geographically isolated in desert, hill, and forest regions or on islands are able to retain their traditional cultures and religions for longer periods.An attempt has been taken to study the attitude of college going tribal and non tribal students towards modernization. The study included college going tribal and non tribal of district Dehradun.

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