
Introduction Chlamydia prevalence remains high despite scaled-up control efforts and recurrent infection frequently occurs. Objective We investigated the potential of direct partner treatment for chlamydia related to current practice and attitude of GPs towards partner notification (PN) and partner treatment (PT). Methods Four data-sources were combined: 1) Information on current practice via two short questionnaires at a national GP conference; 2) GPs’ attitudes towards PN/PT were explored in a vignette questionnaire study among GPs in NIVEL Primary Care Database (NIVEL-PCD); 3) Quantitative data on (potential) PT were obtained from prescriptions in electronic patient data of NIVEL-PCD; 4) GP recorded questionnaires related to STI consultations in the sentinel practices of NIVEL-PCD. Results Questionnaires showed that the large majority of GPs (>95%) discuss PN of current and ex-partner(s) with chlamydia-patients. Usually, GPs leave further steps to the patients (83%); partners are rarely treated directly (4%), except when partners are registered in the same practice (16%). In the vignette study, 16-20% of GPs indicated willingness to provide direct PT, depending on patient/partner profile, and 24-45% if possible after patient-initiated PN. Prescription data showed that double dosages of Azithromycin were prescribed in 1-2% of cases. STI consultation data revealed PT in 6/100 cases, via partner prescription or double doses for the index. Conclusions At present, GPs in the Netherlands rarely treat partners of chlamydia cases directly, except for partners registered in the same practice. GPs may be open to options for direct PT, provided there are clear guidelines to arrange this adequately. Key messages: •At present, GPs in the Netherlands rarely treat partners of chlamydia cases directly, except for partners registered in the same practice. •GPs may be open to options for direct PT, provided there are clear guidelines to arrange this legally and practically. (aut. ref.)

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