
An experiment was performed with the object of determining whether the attenuation suffered by an acoustic wave in the deep sound channel is affected by the presence of a steeply sloping bottom near the receiving hydrophone. The question was raised because Thorp and Urick, in separate experiments of a similar nature, obtained results that were far apart. The receiving hydrophone in Thorp's experiment was located on Plantagenet Bank, while in Urick's experiment the hydrophone was in the open ocean. In the current tests, signals from SOFAR shots were received on two systems, in one of which the receiving hydrophone was bottom-mounted on Plantagenet Bank, while in the other it was suspended over the side of a ship located far from shore. Both hydrophones were at approximately the depth of the channel axis. Results were obtained for frequencies in the range 112–898 cps. The results obtained are compared also with those of other tests done in the Mediterranean and Pacific.

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