
[Learning from the local and experimenting. The concept of resilience in crime prevention work] There is a prevailing view that society has become more complex and unpredictable over the past decade, and that risks to public and societal safety and security have increased. This has led to a shift in the view on crime prevention in Sweden where the concept of resilience has become a governing system with great impact on crime prevention work and for the understanding of contemporary social problems. In view of this increased influence, Vanja Lozic analyses how representatives for emergency services, municipality and non-governmental organizations deliberate on and argue for the implementation of resilience-inspired preventive safety and security measures. The article demonstrates that there is a critique of previous measures, which are blamed for silo-mentality, short-sightedness and lack of embeddedness in the local community. Additionally, there is a demand for holistic thinking, partnership, experimentation and transformative and relational learning. The new model of informal and network-based partnership and inclusion of the local population is thus considered as a democratisation of crime prevention. Publication history: Published original. (Published 28 May 2018) Citation: Lozic, Vanja (2018) “Att lara av det lokala och experimentera. Resilienstankande i brottsforebyggande arbete”, in Platskamp , special issue of Arkiv. Tidskrift for samhallsanalys , issue 9, pp. 129–157. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13068/2000-6217.9.5

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