
ATP sulfurylase from Penicillium chrysogenum is a noncooperative homooligomer containing three free sulfhydryl groups per subunit. Under nondenaturing conditions, one SH group per subunit was modified by 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate), or N-ethylmaleimide. Modification had only a small effect on kcat, but markedly increased the [S]0.5 values for the substrates, MgATP and SO4(2-). MgATP and adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate protected against modification. The SH-modified enzyme displayed sigmoidal velocity curves for both substrates with Hill coefficients (nH) of 2. Fluorosulfonate (FSO3-) and other dead-end inhibitors competitive with SO4(2-) activated the SH-modified enzyme at low SO4(2-) concentration. In order to determine whether the sigmoidicity resulted from true cooperative binding (as opposed to a kinetically based mechanism), the shapes of the binding curves were established from the degree of protection provided by a ligand against phenylglyoxal-dependent irreversible inactivation under noncatalytic conditions. Under standard conditions (0.05 M Na-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N'-3-propanesulfonic acid buffer, pH 8, 30 degrees C, and 3mM phenylglyoxal) the native enzyme was inactivated with a k of 2.67 +/- 0.25 X 10-3 s-1, whereas k for the SH-modified enzyme was 5.44 +/- 0.27 X 10-3 s-1. The increased sensitivity of the modified enzyme resulted from increased reactivity of ligand-protectable groups. Both the native and the SH-modified enzyme displayed hyperbolic plots of delta k (i.e. protection) versus [MgATP], or [FSO3-], or [S2O3(2-]) in the absence of coligand (nH = 0.98 +/- 0.06). The plots of delta k versus [ligand] for the native enzyme were also hyperbolic in the presence of a fixed concentration of coligand. However, in the presence of a fixed [FSO3-] or [S2O3(2-]), the delta k versus [MgATP] plot for the SH-modified enzyme was sigmoidal, as was the plot of delta k versus [FSO3-] or [S2O3(2-]) in the presence of a fixed [MgATP]. The nH values were 1.92 +/- 0.09. The results indicate that substrates (or analogs) bind hyperbolically to unoccupied SH-modified subunits, but in a subunit-cooperative fashion to form a ternary complex.


  • ATP sulfurylase fromPenicillium chrysogenumis a noncooperative homooligomer containingthreefree sulfhydryl groups per subunit

  • Each subunit contains three free sulfhydryl groups, one of which can be readily modified under nondenaturing conditions

  • More recent studies disclosed that sulfhydryl modification markedly affected enzyme activity at subsaturating substrate concentrations[3]

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Enzyme Purification and Assays-The purification of ATP sulfurylase and APS kinase, the assaymethods (3-lo), and the general procedures used to characterize the kinetics of inactivation in the presence and absence of protective ligands [11,12] have been described previously. Inactivation by Phenylglyoral-The native or NEM-modified enzyme (0.5 PM sites unless otherwise indicated) was preincubated for various periods in 0.05 M Na-EPPS buffer (pH 8.0, 30 “C)containing 3 mM phenylglyoxal, the protective ligands, and (unless otherwise indicated) 5 mM excess M$+. The variance in daily replicates using a freshly prepared phenylglyoxal solution each time was greater: kep, for the native enzyme averaged 2.7 X s-' with a maximum E deviation of k0.3 X s-'; kappfor the NEM-modified enzyme was. The Hill coefficient, nH, was obtained from the slope of the log [Ak/ (Akmex,a,,- Ak)] uersus log [L] plot

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